Phoenix Turbine Builders Club

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The Phoenix Turbine Builders Club began in the year 2000 as a FREE resource, open to anyone who wanted to build & experiment with the online Tesla turbine projects.

Subjects covered in our articles include:

  • low cost engine cases, bearings, shafts
  • energy sources
  • fuels
  • combustion techniques
  • applications

The first Tesla turbine project begins with a series of articles written by Ken Rieli, CEO at Phoenix Navigation & Guidance Inc. and chairman of the Global Motive Power Revolution.

Over the years, the club grew to over 2,000 members worldwide. Ken introduced his 4.5-inch Experimenter’s Tesla Turbine, then his 7-inch Tesla Turbogenerator, and finally a turbogenerator plans CD for home machinists (still available today).

Check out the archived Phoenix Turbine Builder’s Club pages & download the articles there. We are working on an updated club website with complete articles dating from 2000 through 2010.