Phoenix ASK Absolute Security Key System

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In 1994 PNGinc CEO Ken Rieli rapidly identified command & control deficiencies in automated weapons systems used in the Bosnian conflict. He went to work designing, prototyping & testing the Phoenix ASK and the Phoenix Rolling Code Generator.

PNGinc’s proprietary ASK technology consists of intelligent hardware keys and host CPU software.  Designed as an integral component of the Phoenix UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle) system of systems, the technology provides for hacker-proof command and control of any remote or robotic device.

When placed in a UAV role, the key provides for an absolutely hacker-proof encrypted data link between the UAV and its command & control station. Astronomical numbers are generated each time the operator uses the authorization key to issue commands to the UAV.

Today the Phoenix ASK system is an essential technology on which to build the air traffic control infrastructure for SATS (small aircraft transportation system).

Critical infrastructure resources that are vulnerable to terrorist attacks can also be protected. This includes utility valves & switches, perimeter fences, door locks, traffic lights, robotic vehicles, UAV’s and computer networks — in short anything that can be controlled on site or remotely.

With its rolling code techniques and high bit rate, the Phoenix Absolute Security Key is 100% unbreakable by the most dedicated hackers.